Saturday, July 31, 2010


Today I was driving home from work while contemplating the two-hour conversation I had with my colleague prior to leaving.  The conversation involved a detailed explanation on a variety of ways to import an SPSS file into SAS for analysis.  This conversation has occurred on multiple occasions with a variety of people, which made me contemplate the original hours it took me to learn these now routine procedures.  When I attempted to learn these skills, I found guides and information, but nothing that was crystal clear.  However, over the years, I have honed my skills on ways to annotate and explain these procedures so that any of my colleagues could follow the steps for their own projects.
This guide will begin by explaining some of the most common questions I have received, and I will be providing multiple solutions to the same problem, from a beginners prospective.  I will guide you from the explanation of the problem to the final solution.  This guide is here to help others, so please don’t hesitate to comment or ask specific questions, if you have this problem other people probably have as well.  I look forward to providing these tips for all future SAS experts.
Cheers!  ~David

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